
LUMIKKO PROVIDES YOUR COMPANY THE MAXIMUM results for remote sensing solutions

With our platform we deliver specific unique information on the risk of flooding based on historical data and satellite images that together are analyzed by our unique models. The customer monitors its risk of flooding being predicted in percentages. moreover, the customers it is being supported in flexible premium prizing and risk control management. The quality of its risk assessment will rise, so payment streams to customers are more foreseeable, the relationship with authorities increases as well as the customer experience and the risk of negative publicity is lowered. Our goal is to have a business model on a commercial basis up and running in one year from now. We choose to go for the monitoring risk of flooding as a service, since we have a pilot model working. And for insurance companies as a first customer segment to approach. They can use our date to improve the risk assessment of their portfolio and to an individual level of their customers. Our unique selling point is the use of satellite data in combination with historical data (meteorological, hydrological, climatology, terrain) and that we have our own analytical software models. Risk of flooding changes every year, and thus maps based on only historical data have become outdated due to climate chances and (other) impact of human behavior. Those three aspects can easily be monitored by satellite images and processed by our analysis.

Koninginnegracht 10
2514 AA  Den Haag